20 December 2007


The YES Network has announced that ex-Yank David Justice will return to the network as an analyst for the 2008 season.

Last week, Justice was named as a user of performance enhancing drugs in the Mitchell Witch Hunt sponsored by MLB. Justice was fingered in the report by disgraced personal trainer Brian McNamee, a former assistant strength coach for the Yankees.

“Mac is lying, and he knows he’s lying,” Justice said in an interview with fellow YES host Bob Lorenz.

Ray Hopkins, the chief operating officer of the YES Network, said Dec. 18 that he had no reason to doubt Justice's assertions last week that he had not taken human growth hormone, as alleged in the report. He called Justice a "knowledgeable and effective" in-studio analyst.

Good job by Mr. Hopkins and the people at YES. As with most of the players slandered in the Mitch Bitch, there is no undisputed proof that what McNamee said about Justice is true and YES will not be influenced or pressured to make business decisions based on hearsay.

Are you listening Bud?


Royal Rooters said...

You don't believe the Mitchell Report?

Mike said...

It's not that I don't believe it, I feel there was not enough evidence to throw names out. Read my previous posts on this.

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