NY Post reporter Joel Sherman says one scout observed that Hughes' mechanics are screwed up.
"He couldn't command his fastball to the corners at all. Only about half his curves were good and only about one in four were in the strike zone. He is working to add that changeup (to use against lefties), threw three and all were up and out of the zone.
"I think the problem is that his elbow is too low so he is not commanding because he is not throwing downhill. His command stinks because his motion stinks. For example, his curve has good rotation and break, but I think because of that delivery it breaks early and so hitters pick it up."
If other scouts see this, way don't the Yankees seeing this? Why is he allowed to pitch in the AFL with flawed mechanics? That's a real good way to get hurt.

Until Cashman wakes up and makes a change in this department, the Yankees pitching prospects are doomed.
I've been thinking the same thing for the past 2 years myself. I'd like to know who these pitching gurus are and what the f--- they are looking at. Kei Igawa is a prime example. The guy doesn't finish his pitches off. He constantly leaves his left leg up in the air and never follows through all the way around. He's been doing this since day one and through all his reassignments to the minors no one has picked that up and have him make the adjustment.
This scout's observation of Hughes only supports my view of the Yankee's pitching coaches. They don't know diddly squat about piching and pitching mechanics. I can understand Hughes getting hit around as he tries to develope other pitches, but if his mechanics are screwed up from the onset, what good does it do learn other pitches? I think his mechanics should be #1 and then you work on finess and other pitches. Maybe it just makes too much sense.
If you are a regular reader of NYYU, you know that I have been a critic of the pitching department for a long time.
I also recommended that the Yanks hire a special assistant GM, working under Cashman, to oversee the pitching department, from scouting and development to acquisitions.
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