He was praised high and low by A-Rod and the Giambino. He was credited with turning Robinson Cano into a potential batting title candidate.
This year is the complete opposite. The Yankees simply can't hit. Their inability to hit with runners in scoring position is well publicized, but it doesn't stop there.
As a team the Yankees are down in almost every offensive category from 2007.

Most of the individual stats are down too. Melky Cabrera and Shelly Duncan never got it going and are in AAA. Jeter is below is career average and is in the top of the A.L. in hitting the double play ball.
As for Cano, he's been just plain awful.
Somehow, Long is getting a pass. If he was a genius last season, is he not a bum this season?
I'm not saying that Long should be fired, I just like to see credit given where credit is due, good or bad.
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Coaches get too much credit when things go well and too much blame when they don't. Get the impression, a lot of times it's a popularity contest.
I read the Yankees have scored/or on pace to score approx. 200 fewer runs this year than last year. When they axed Joe Torre, Randy Levine said they all get up every day with the purpose of winning the world series. That may have been true until that day, but it no longer is. The management is messed up, signed Arod to get a homerun record not championships,and has forgotten it took years of being in the post season to get the ticket sales up. Kevin Long and his buddy Arod can both take a hike as far as I'm concerned. Someone has to take the hit for 200 runs and various other blunders.
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